Open rehearsal
The Open Rehearsal is an event format for opening up working processes in the performing arts. Artists and the audience can view a rehearsal or working status together and get in touch with each other in a moderated exchange format. While the artists receive feedback and inspiration for the further working process, the audience gains an insight and understanding of the artists’ specific questions, content and working methods.
The Open Rehearsal builds on the core values of FLUGWERK and takes place using specific communication and feedback methods.
The format begins with a short introduction to the Open Rehearsal itself as well as a presentation of the artists, their current work and the subsequent questions for the audience. A rehearsal or working status is then shown, which is reflected on by the audience in several feedback rounds. The artists can participate in the feedback rounds either actively (i.e. also reflecting) or observing. The rounds can be verbal or non-verbal and the size of the groups can vary. One or two FLUGWERK team members moderate the event. At the end of the event, the FLUGWERK team invites to a pasta dinner, where there is space for further discussions between all participants.
The aim of the Open Rehearsal is to create an encounter between artists, spectators and the public.